Arete Budget ThCa Flower - FAQ

Why does Arete sell some Flower products as Budget Collection?

Two reasons:

We have a diverse base of customers we want to serve. We believe that having products priced at an “entry-level” is aligned with our pro-hemp and pro-cannabis mission. A mission that’s driven by and open to all.

We sell products as budget because some flower doesn't quite meet our high standards for our top-shelf THCa Flower Luxury Collection. Those criteria are based on frost, appearance, smell, structure, and so on. Despite it being in the Budget Collection it is still high-quality flower, just not flawless.

Note: THCa content, as seen in the product lab reports, is similar between the two Collections, although Budget is generally slightly lower.

In short the Luxury Collection and Budget Collect yield different overall experiences and that difference is reflected in the price of the product.

What is THCa?

Delta 9 THCa is a naturally occurring non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid in the cannabis plant. In its raw and natural form, it will not get you high. However, when heated, THCa converts to THC. THC will yield euphoric effects (i.e., feeling high).

For a more detailed answer, please see the THCa & THC Questions section of our FAQ page.

What's the difference between THCa and THC?

The names seem so close, and yet the effects they produce are so different. In short, THC is the component that gets you high. On the other hand, THCa will not get you high - unless you heat it.

For a more detailed answer, please see the THCa & THC Questions section of our FAQ page.
