CBD 101
What is CBD?
CBD 101 – What is CBD?
Over the last couple years CBD and its many uses has become a hot topic; but what most people don’t know is cannabis has been used dating back to 500 BC. By the 1800s cannabis extracts were sold without a prescription in pharmacies and doctors’ offices throughout the United States making cannabis a staple in over 85% of all American households!
CBD is an incredibly powerful plant extract that has been used for many purposes for thousands of years. Our CBD oil is extracted from a specially chosen strain of the hemp plant, and must not to be confused with the marijuana plant as they are not the same. In order for a cannabis sativa plant to be considered Hemp it must have less than 0.3% THC, this means CBD oil extracted from hemp will absolutely not cause any psychoactive effects. At Arete Hemp, in our broad spectrum CBD Oil we also remove even the smallest amounts of THC as an added safeguard.
There are many cannabinoids in the hemp plant that have beneficial value and CBD is just one of them. The cannabinoids have a multitude of effects on our body’s endocannabinoid system. Our cb1 and cb2 receptors in our bodies interact with the compounds that naturally exist in hemp. Many of the world’s leading scientists, doctors, and experts have documented that combining CBD with the many other naturally occurring cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes found in full and broad spectrum hemp products may offer a multitude of effects that have not been seen in the pharmaceutical, food or dietary supplement industries.
At Arete Hemp we want to not only provide the highest-quality CBD products on the market, but also provide you all the information so you can be educated and knowledgeable. If you’re looking for more information, check our blog for loads of CBD education on an array of topics.
Have you been thinking of trying CBD? Take advantage of Arete’s risk free offer. Use any of our CBD Oil tinctures for 30 days, and if your not pleased with the results we will happily give you a full refund. Visit our organic CBD shop to experience the incredible human elixir, CBD.
For the latest daily updates on whats going on in the world of CBD visit our blog.