Which holiday do cannabis consumers appreciate more than Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas combined? April 20th, or 4/20, of course. If you’re a consumer, you likely know that 4/20 is known as “Cannabis Day” across the world. Consumers come together to celebrate the plant and advocate for legality in states where it is still prohibited. The …
Happy 420 – The real story!
Celebrate 4/20 with Gifts, Limited Edition New Releases, and Mystery Eighths!
Arete Hemp is celebrating 4/20 with sales, special limited edition releases, and gifts on purchases over $50, $100, $150, and $250! Event starts at 12 PM EST on April 20, 2022.
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The History of CBD: Origins of 420
This week, cannabis enthusiasts the world over celebrated April 20, or 4/20. For decades, 420 has been shorthand for cannabis, but there are many misconceptions about where the name comes from. Some have speculated and made wild guesses, tying it back to a Bob Dylan song, Grateful Dead, the death of Bob Marley, or the chemical compounds in cannabis. The truth is that 420 is not a scientific calculation or a mysterious decoded song lyric. It is, surprisingly, a time of day.