CBD butter is a staple for many bakers making homemade edibles. It can be substituted in recipes for cookies and brownies or spread on toast or muffins. Before you can dive in and experiment in the kitchen, though, you need a great CBD butter recipe.
Every chef has their own way of operating in the kitchen, and it is no different with CBD butter. There are some basic requirements for any recipe. The cannabis flower must be warmed enough to activate it, which is called decarboxylation. Otherwise, the butter will not have the desired effects and benefits. At the same time, butter has a lower smoke point. It can burn easily, and you will end up with a burnt butter and an angry smoke detector.
Some inexperienced cooks put the flower directly in with the butter and warm the butter and flower together. It might be quicker, but the butter will be weaker, and the final product will be disappointing. To ensure the potency, grind it up or break it up with your fingers to separate the stems, then decarb it on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper at 245 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. You can put it in a wide-mouth mason jar to keep in the smell. Temperature can vary slightly depending on the age of the flower and how dry or sticky it is. Check it frequently and turn the flowers so they are evenly heated.
Beginner home cooks who want to keep it simple can just melt the butter in a saucepan or a slow cooker, add the ground flower, and simmer at a low temperature for 2-3 hours. Next, strain the butter through a fine mesh strainer or a cheesecloth into a jar or silicone mold. There are even silicone molds available that are shaped like sticks of butter, which make it easy to store and use daily.
A lot of first-timers think that refrigerating the butter is the last step, but there is one more vital step in the process. Before using it in a recipe, it is important to sample the butter. If it is too strong or too weak, adjustments can be made, but not much can be done if the effects are overly potent and the butter is already added to a brownie recipe. Give it a taste and wait a few hours to feel the effects.
Readers, we want to hear from you! Do you make your own CBD butter, and do you have some in your fridge right now? What CBD Butter recipe did you use? What CBD treats do you like to make at home? Leave a comment below!
DIY Homemade CBD Butter (and Where You Can Go Wrong)
CBD butter is a staple for many bakers making homemade edibles. It can be substituted in recipes for cookies and brownies or spread on toast or muffins. Before you can dive in and experiment in the kitchen, though, you need a great CBD butter recipe.
Every chef has their own way of operating in the kitchen, and it is no different with CBD butter. There are some basic requirements for any recipe. The cannabis flower must be warmed enough to activate it, which is called decarboxylation. Otherwise, the butter will not have the desired effects and benefits. At the same time, butter has a lower smoke point. It can burn easily, and you will end up with a burnt butter and an angry smoke detector.
Some inexperienced cooks put the flower directly in with the butter and warm the butter and flower together. It might be quicker, but the butter will be weaker, and the final product will be disappointing. To ensure the potency, grind it up or break it up with your fingers to separate the stems, then decarb it on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper at 245 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. You can put it in a wide-mouth mason jar to keep in the smell. Temperature can vary slightly depending on the age of the flower and how dry or sticky it is. Check it frequently and turn the flowers so they are evenly heated.
Next, melt butter in a saucepan. If you are worried about burning the butter, water can be added to the butter in equal parts. More experienced bakers can also clarify butter and use it in the recipe. When butter is clarified, it removes the water and milk solids. Clarified butter has a higher smoke point, and it is often used by fry cooks for cooking eggs or chefs to sauté vegetables.
Beginner home cooks who want to keep it simple can just melt the butter in a saucepan or a slow cooker, add the ground flower, and simmer at a low temperature for 2-3 hours. Next, strain the butter through a fine mesh strainer or a cheesecloth into a jar or silicone mold. There are even silicone molds available that are shaped like sticks of butter, which make it easy to store and use daily.
A lot of first-timers think that refrigerating the butter is the last step, but there is one more vital step in the process. Before using it in a recipe, it is important to sample the butter. If it is too strong or too weak, adjustments can be made, but not much can be done if the effects are overly potent and the butter is already added to a brownie recipe. Give it a taste and wait a few hours to feel the effects.
FYI – Even box macaroni and cheese can be made with CBD butter!
Readers, we want to hear from you! Do you make your own CBD butter, and do you have some in your fridge right now? What CBD Butter recipe did you use? What CBD treats do you like to make at home? Leave a comment below!